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Protection Work



The protection work will take place on the sports ground. The running direction is like in the sheme.  The first send out at the patrol goes to the right. The required markings for handler and helper will be made according to the IPO regulation. The selection of the helpers and the protection work training will be held according to the schedule.

The dog handler can wear light sportive clothing, but not a special training vest.


Security check entrance

About 15 minutes before the planned starting time of a team the team leader has to report at the security check point (handler’s entrance) that the team is ready to start. Following the collars will be controlled.

In case a handler is not present at least 15 minutes before the start he will be disqualified.
The identity will be controlled after the presentation at the handler’s exit.



Protection Work Helpers

The helpers who will be assigned and the substitute helpers will be selected from the head judge and the judge of section C. The helpers have to use the protection clothing, sleeve and trousers.



Protection clothing

The protection clothing of the helpers is jacket, trousers and sleeve. Outfitter is the Polytanu  Company.


Hiding places for protection work

The hiding places are standard protection work tents. They will be removed from the performance ground during the obedience, their placing is marked.