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Deadline for inscription


The final deadline for the registration is May 12, 2017.

The entry form can directly be completed and printed on the SVÖ website as of April 1, 2017.




Each field of the inscription form needs to be completed. The complete team can be enrolled only by the national club. The inscription needs to be submitted together with a copy of the pedigree with the HD/ED stamp, with a copy of the score book and the copy of a show card with a minimum rating of “good”, earned at a minimum age of 12 months.

Furthermore, along with the entry form a copy of the liability insurance for pet owners has to be submitted.


Registration address


Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde Österreich ( SVÖ )

Sonnweg 7
A-5071 Wals







Claudia Strasser, Tel: +43/662/850940

e-mail: office(at)schaeferhund(dot)at



Entry fee


The entry fee is € 140,00 per dog and has to be transferred on the following transaction account:

Owner of account:                                        Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde Österreich ( SVÖ )

IBAN                                         AT02 2040 4049 0121 6506

BIC                                            SBGSAT2SXXX

Reason for payment:                                                Entry WUSV Universal