Visitor Informations
Medical / dental attendance
In case that medical assistance or treatment is needed please contact the championship office, we will gladly assist you.
For larger groups it is recommended to make a reservation for restaurant tables well in time.
In many restaurants menus for meals and beverages are available in English also. Also, the service staff often speaks English. The prices for meals and drinks as well as for breakfast at the hotel always include taxes. Generally, it is common to give a little tip of approximately 5% of the total amount in the invoice. However, in Germany this depends very much on customer satisfaction respectively the quality of the meal and service provided. Credit cards are accepted by most of the hotels and restaurants.
Prices for gasoline
Depending from the oil company and the international oil prices.
Forms of payment in Austria
The official currency is the EURO. The exchange of foreign currency is possible at all banks during the opening hours, in exchange points at the borders or at the airport. Hotels, car rentals, gas stations and most shops accept international credit cards.